Category: E-Mail
State: public (all)
Language: en
Keywords: spam junk abuse report offensive
Votes: 0
Result: 0.00 %
Last update: 06/11/2010 15:12:11


I am receiving junk mail, spam, offensive or pornographic e-mail and I want it to stop.

I need to know how to report this so the amount of spam is reduced.


I need to know how to properly report junk mail, spam, offensive or pornographic e-mail so that I am providing enough information to assist in the process of improving the anti-spam e-mail filtering system.


NOTE-- Even if you don't report a particular message to, the source of the SPAM may be

blocked in the near future since WVNET uses an internationally shared and frequently updated database of SPAMMERS to update our anti-spam service.


When reporting an e-mail message as SPAM or JUNK MAIL, it is necessary to INCLUDE the "complete

Internet message headers" also known as the "full message headers" (which are not normally visible).


The complaint can be sent to if the problem is related to your e-mail account.

This process also should to be followed if you want to report e-mail incidents or threats to law enforcement agencies such as the police and FBI, or reporting it to your Internet service provider.


If a message is simply forwarded for someone else to submit the complaint, the vitally important "full message headers" are lost and the complaint cannot be investigated.

Since it is very easy to send a message with a fraudulent "FROM:" address, many spammers use that technique.

Spammers also frequently change the "REPLY TO" address.

As a result, blocking a particular "FROM: " address is often useless. The IP address of the sender and the REPLY TO address are essential for the investigation of e-mail abuse.

The "message headers" are vitally important when investigating the true source of an e-mail message.


The following steps explain of how to capture the complete Internet message headers


(scroll down to see instructions if you are using Outlook)

  1. Open the message to view it

  2. On the same line as the FROM: address, click the triangle at the end of the line on the right side.

  3. You should now see the expanded full message headers.

  4. Press Control A or use the EDIT/Select ALL menu to highlight the headers and the message body.

  5. Press Control C or use EDIT/COPY

  6. Click COMPOSE to create a new message and address it to

  7. Click once in the message body area and use Control P  or EDIT/PASTE to paste the information you just copied.

  8. Enter a subject such as "spam" or "offensive e-mail"

  9. Click send to transmit the message to



The following steps explain of how to capture the complete Internet message headers in Microsoft Outlook

The process will vary for Outlook Express, Mozilla, Eudora and similar mail programs. Please ask local tech support staff for assistance in capturing the headers with those programs.

  1. Using Microsoft Outlook,  when viewing the list of messages, right click on the offensive message and choose "OPTIONS"

  2. Click inside the text box with the Internet headers. 

  3. Use control A to select all.

  4. Use Control C  to copy.

  5. The next step is to open the message and begin to forward it, but before sending,  go to the top of the body of the message and..

  6. PASTE  which should put the Internet headers in the message...

  7. Address it to


You don't need to edit the subject line.... the fact that it is

addressed to  indicates that it is a

spam related problem.



For more information about the mail system anti-SPAM effort,

please refer to

For current statistics about the percentage of incoming mail that is

identified as SPAM and VIRUSES and blocked at the mail server,

please refer to